Culver will e-mail you shortly with details about policy, payments, location and your personalized voice lessons. If you pre-pay for a package you must take all lessons paid for within two months. Any lessons not used in two months time are non-refundable.
Voice Lesson - Package of Six, 60 minute lessons
A Package Of Six, One-Hour Voice Lessons
If you cancel 24 hours before your scheduled lesson: Full Refund / Make-Up Lesson rescheduled at No Charge to you
If you cancel within 24 hours before your scheduled lesson: You will be charged the Full Amount of that lesson
If you prepay for a package and cancel before the first lesson: Full Refund / Make-Up Lesson rescheduled at No Charge to you
If you prepay for a package, you must take All Lessons paid for within a period of three months.
Any lessons not used after three months time are non-refundable.